
Monday, May 31, 2010

Super Weekend, Market, Garden, Me!

What a fabulous weekend! 

It started out Friday, with a fantastic ultrasound!  Baby is growing the way it should be, all parts are there. :)  I know the sex...but cannot tell.  The Shepherd decided he wants a surprise, and good for him!  But this means, I have a secret to keep for the next 5 months, and I'm good with that.  We have a good agreement, and I'm good at secrets, so until October, my lips are sealed.  I can hardly wait to see his face when the Dr. says, "it's a .....!".  It'll be awesome.

This is me at 20 weeks. So funny for me to see this! Crazy!
Saturday the market was fantastic.  It was so sunny, warm, happy.  Here are a bunch of photos.

Sunday was a full work day at home.  I got all 200 tomatoes planted, and did a lot of weeding and cultivating.  The soil is ready to put in the cucumber, zucchini, squash and beans.  Then, planting is finished for the season.  I'll try take a bunch of photos of it all this week.

I really like this picture of The Shepherd and his dad weeding the raspberries.  They're best friends.  Really, his dad was the best man at our wedding.  It's an amazing relationship.

Some good eats this weekend!

The strawberries are from southern Ontario. Not local, but still in the province. A few weeks and they’ll be ready here as well.

Another super lamb lasagna.  Can I say, I make a good lasagna?
I always love this bread. It’s made by a lady just down the road from me. So thick, dense, really tasty. I’ll buy it several times this summer.

Have a great week everyone!


Friday, May 28, 2010

Winner - Simply in Season!!

Winner random number generator.....  
Number 6 - Anne Marie from New Weigh of Life!
Anne Marie, send me your mailing address and I'll get the book out to you!  HOORAY!
It was a good day.  Breakfast was simply Kashi Go Lean, blueberries and milk.
An apple was enjoyed in the morning.
Also, half of this Cliff bar, one of my favs!!
Since it was a short week, I skipped Sashimi Tuesday and had Sashimi Thursday instead!

I ate some frozen fruit in the afternoon.  I'm liking frozen fruit, like ice cubes on a hot day, but better.
I had another bowl of cereal when I got home from work.

The Shepherd and I both had late nights working at home, so it was a quick, easy dinner.  Chicken noodle soup and a wg english muffin with provolone cheese, grilled.

Some unpictured caramel frozen yogurt after dinner.
Friday morning is a BIG ultrasound for us!  I'm so excited to see if I can find out the sex, and to know if this little person is ok.  Fingers crosses, prayers said...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Day to Enter!

Thanks so much for all your comments on putting my gym membership on hold.  I also talked to The Shepherd about this last night, and he agrees I'm getting ample exercise at home.  He said if I'm not running anymore, what is the difference between going to the gym and doing my regular work at home?  Nothing.  So, today I'll bravely call the Y and save myself quite a bit of $ between now and ....???

I quite enjoyed the ceral mix the other day, so again I mixed.  Dorset cereal, Kashi Go Lean, blueberries and skim milk.  Oh...little fuzzy.
In the morning I had an apple:
And throughout the day, this Luna bar.  I like Luna bars, almost like a chocolate bar.  I just read on the package today that they are for women.  Why is that? 
I made a monster salad for lunch.  Lettuce, spinach, radish, peppers, carrots and a lauging Cow cheese.  After eating some of it, I realized I forgot to add the cranberries and walnuts.  So, 2 photos, without the extras, then partially eaten, with the extras!
The Shepherd had been away fishing this past weekend, so we invited his parents over last night for a fish fry!  No photos, but it was awesome.  Fresh pearch, pickeral and pike, battered, fried in oil, potatoes done on the bbq and more salad.  So great.  Cookies and ice cream for dessert.

Here are more photos of tomatoes, peppers and the vines.  They've been sunning the last few days and will be outside in the ground this weekend.  They've been staring at the garden for days, so I know they're looking forward to feeding off that great soil out there!  Yes, I'm crazy when it comes to my plants!

This is the last day to enter my SIMPLY IN SEASON giveaway!  Tomorrow morning I'll announce a winner!  Good luck!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gym Membership on Hold?

I'm considering putting my gym membership on hold until I'm ready to work out again after the baby is born. I'm not going a lot right now, twice a week max, and my intensity has slowed down so much. I'm getting a lot of exercise at home and go for a couple 10 min walks each day at work. Really, home is where I get my exercise. The only problem I have with not going to the gym is I don't get heart pumping cardio in. I work steady in my garden , lots of crouching (like squats) weeding, hand cultivating rows (almost like weights) and a ton of walking around the garden/barnyard/farm. I never sit down at home until dinner is finished and the sun goes down.

I'm more tired than usual as well. Not tired, I just need breaks more often, and get winded a lot quicker...this I've just noticed in the last 2 weeks. It is taking all of my energy to keep up with my garden/market/farm/job/husband/friends/family as it is - in a GOOD way! :).

So, just curious, what are your thoughts on cardio while prego? From what I describe, am I getting enough exercise in to not start gaining 'fat weight' - I am cool with some - do you think the cardio break is worth it...? I'm a bit torn.

On to my day.

Again, feeling a little crazy, I mixed Dorset cereal, Kashi Go Lean, blueberries and milk. I love cold cereal.

Throughout the day I ate this Coconut Cream Lara bar. It's the first time I've had it. I love coconut. The first few bites were great, and as I went on, it isn't my favourite, but it's good!

An apple:
Lunch was mom's leftover chicken soup and a great salad.

I had a sample bar from a store in town. The brand is Table of Nature, the type is Niagara Apple. It was good! Lots of nuts, but I have some jaw problems so it was a little too chewy for me. Only for that reason, otherwise it was great. I've not seen these bars in their full size.

I did a lot of weeding at home after a bowl of cereal.

Dinner was bbq chicken thighs and salad, I chopped up 2 thighs and had them with the salad.
This is the dressing I've been using lately, Renees Spring Herb Italian. A great summer dressing.
I had a couple of these cookies too. My mom and I saw them on the weekend, they’re cookies my grandma always used to have. We just call them windmill cookies. They’re a Dutch cookie, and my grandparents were from Belgium, so close enough.
It's going to be hot hot hot on Wednesday! I love that too!

One more day to enter my Simply in Season giveaway!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Not a Weekend Blogger

Back after a long holiday weekend!  I hope it was great for everyone!  I had a great 3 days.  My mom was visiting, we did a lot of farm work, shopping, eating out, super weekend. 

I am not a weekend blogger.  I wish I could be, but especially now with shining sun, warm weather and so much to do outside, I just can't do it. 

The market was great again!  People are realizing we're back outside and there were a lot of people.  I took a lot more food than I have in the 2 previous weeks and it was gone faster than those 2 weeks!  Here are the photos.  I know they look the same, but I have the same food to sell right now.

I didn't take many food photos this weekend, but mom made a fabulous chicken orzo soup and brought it along.  We had it with the lemon sheep milk cheese I bought a few weeks ago and some smoked salmon and crackers.  Simple and "souper". 

I had about 3 or more bowls of this beautiful looking ice cream this weekend!  The sauce is strawberry that I made last summer.
I hope you're all having a great week so far, glad this is a short work week!  Don't forget to enter my Simply in Season Giveaway!
