
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tri Coloured Eggs!

I have two more great giveaways to tell you about.  One is from Jocelyn at Jocelyn Eats FreshThis giveaway is amazing - it's for a crockpot! 

Then at a Healthy Happy Place  there is a Vita Tops giveaway.  I haven't tried these little beauties, but I'd sure love to!  

A woman I worked with asked if I would sell her a lamb roast.  We don't typically sell individual cuts of meat, we sell whole, live animals at a livestock market.  This lady is really into her hobby farm, gardening, she has chickens, ducks and turkeys, makes preserves and many other things, and has shared several jars with me.  I decided I would give her a roast, I knew she'd appreciate it.  She came back to work after Easter raving about the roast and I knew I'd make the right decision by sharing with her.  Well, today she brought me some eggs! 

The large ones are Peking duck eggs, the 2 blue-ish are from a chicken called Ancona and the browns are from her regular brown chicken flock.  AWESOME!  I almost don't want to eat these beauties!  What a treat!
Breakfast was good, Dorset cereal, blueberries, skim milk.
In the morning I was hungry!  Breakfast had no staying power.  I had this fabulous Cliff bar and an apple.

Lunch was a bit boring and the same as yesterday, an Ezekiel english muffing with Laughing Cow cheese and a salad.
In the afternoon I had an orange.

Dinner was great.  Fajita night!  WW tortillas, chicken breast, red and yellow peppers, onion and mushroom, seasoning, hot sauce, sour cream and cheese.  SUPER.

Then, together, The Shepherd and I finished off the last few girl guide cookies.  I can't say I'm sorry to see the end of them.



  1. looks like a another day with great eats!

  2. Nothing beats fresh eggs! One of the teachers at the kids school has a booth at the market here in which he sells chickens and fresh eggs from his farm. Those eggs are out of this world! You'll have to let us know how the duck eggs are...

    And fajitas! Yum!

  3. wow...what a treat to have a friend like that! Those eggs are going to be really good :D

    My boyfriend is really interested in having a hobby farm one day...maybe! :)
    Enjoy your weekend! Despite the lack of girl guide cookies :)
